Cardboard boxes

How to Get Rid Of Cardboard Boxes For Free?

How to get rid of cardboard boxes for free

It takes little time to accumulate many cardboard boxes in your home or office. How do they get collected? Well, online shopping, retail shopping, food parcels, moving house companies, etc., always come in it. Here in this article, we will discuss how to remove them.

How to Get Rid of Cardboard Boxes?

How to Get Rid of Cardboard Boxes

Using cardboard boxes is convenient as you get them in various sizes. It provides you with immense variety in this field. If you examine your house or nearby, almost every single item placed at your place comes in boxes. What do people do with them? Many of us would place them in the store room, attics, or cupboards. You might keep the necessary items back in cardboard and reuse them. Some of you might dump them in the trash cans. However, it is wrong as it is a danger to the environment. What you can do is send them to the recycling units. Let’s begin with the options for disposal.

1. Placing them in the Proper Places

Each center has a specific place for the collection of cardboard boxes. You should open the box and make it flat. This action helps reduce the packing size and makes it easier for you to dump.

2. Hiring Removal Companies

Many companies remove boxes from your place and take them to the market. They might reuse them if they are in good condition by giving people who require them. Eventually, they take these away from your place, at least.

Another way is to place them outside your place and label them with advertisements. Those who would be interested would pick these and take them along. Many strangers who pass by need them, so it is good to donate these for free. But keep them in the shade, so rain and sunlight don’t damage them.

4. Online Selling

Some sites offer you to sell them online to people. Selling these to someone will be good for them.

5. Waste Collection Department

In every region, a waste collection department is present. Instead of waiting in a long queue for recycling, you could make an appointment with them. The department’s contractor is responsible for transporting them to their destination.

6. Removal at the Doorstep

Many people order large products for delivery to their homes. For example, many electronics and furniture get delivered in this way. Some of the companies offer the service of taking boxes along. If your order includes this, then it’s great! You can ask them to take all packaging and deliver only the product.

Also Read: What Can You Use Instead of Cardboard?

Can you Leave Cardboard Boxes out of the Recycling?

Short Anwer is Yes, But keeping and dumping boxes is bad whether at home or in a commercial place. However, packaging boxes give you many benefits, like keeping products safe and secure. The rise in shopping trends, especially online, results in the exchange of tons of them every day. But, there should be a proper way to discard them when not to use them. You could help a friend or anyone who needs them rather than dumping them. Without transformation, there is no other proper solution.

Make it clear that you cannot leave them outside. If it hinders the public, your neighbors, and vehicles, then prevent this action. You can place it close to when the recycling team picks them up.

What can I do with Lots of Cardboard Boxes?

What can I do with Lots of Cardboard Boxes

· Collection

You can collect all the cardboard-made stuff together in a single place. No matter what shape or size it comes in. the best feature of the raw material allows it to get transformed into something useful.

· Categorize

Makers of the custom boxes use different densities of paper for its thickness. The thinner the sheets are, the more conveniently you would unfold them. First, note down which ones could be recycled after you have separated both categories.

· Unfolding

Afterward, start unfolding them. If it contains tape or any labeling, then remove it. Some might contain bubble sheets, foam, or other packing stuff, so take it out. You will see them in different dimensions.

· Cutting

The larger ones need cutting. You can take the help of scissors or a cutter for this job. Then, flatten them by applying a little pressure on them. Apply tape wherever it is necessary. This step would help to bind the sheets together. The entire process is effortless.

· Taking to the Center

Now takes them to the nearby center for further processing. You would then add them to the required containers. Or, if the center is far, place it near the trash cans so their team can pick them up.

What Happens to Cardboard When it is Not Recycled?

What Happens to Cardboard When it is Not Recycled

· Landfills

When you dump it in the garbage can, it reaches the garbage centers. At this place, the team places waste like that in the deep landfills. Although, the material used by manufacturers in making cardboard is paper. Still, it takes up too much landfill space despite being light in weight. That is because you can find this in abundant quantity. Therefore, little by little, it starts taking over the area. If you don’t get these for transformation, the results are in front. It would take up the space of domestic wastage too. When it stays in the dump for a long, it contributes to pollution. Similarly, landfill remains contaminated by these.

· Pollutes Atmosphere

Some of them are eco-friendly. When its molecules break, they release methane gas. When you are not recycling it and dumping it in the landfill, it increases the production of harmful gases. In the future, it will start contributing to global warming. Hence, transforming it through this process is the best way to reduce this pollution.

· Affects Wildlife

They take the raw materials from the woods. When the demand for materials increases, then they do more deforestation. Eventually, it takes off the homes of many animals. The habitat of animals gets ruined. Also, this action decreases the amount of oxygen level in the air.


Cardboard boxes have changed the meaning of packaging. You would be amazed to see its benefits. However, their presence in the environment possesses bad effects. Recycling is a better way to reuse it again. There are many cardboard alternative but cardboard boxes are the best for packaging or shipping.